Let Us Eat!
Lettuce. From my own garden. [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Lettuce. From my own garden. [...]
What idiomatic phrase does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players. The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this [...]
I wanted to feed the ducks. I had saved bread crusts for three weeks. Finally, OC and I were both off work before dark and could walk down to Paiko Lagoon Duck Sanctuary and feed the mallards so I could get them closer to my camera. (Devious, I am!)  After [...]
Concerts. Many of them. Two Saturday. One Sunday & a rehearsal. One Monday night, one Tuesday night, one Wednesday night, Thursday Night Rehearsal, Friday — nothing — somebody must have screwed up! Saturday Concert, Sunday Church performance AND concert ….. Okay, OC is the trumpet player and he does all [...]
Home from work at 4:00 o’clock after a horrid stressful day. I just about snap OC’s head off when he gives me guidance on parking the car (preferably not in the washing machine with which it shares the patio). I am trying to hurry because he said on the phone [...]