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I Got Nothing

Once upon a time I used to be funny and creative.  I had a million stories and could entertain for hours.  Anymore I sit and stare, glassy-eyed, at the computer screen and think … nothing.  Nothing. Maybe it is because Ella left me.  With her around I didn’t have time [...]


I slept soundly last night — of course, according to OC, I sleep soundly every night!  However, snoring isn’t today’s issue.  I slept soundly last night, and woke this morning a bit stiff and sore from having stayed too still all night.  My brain seemed to be a bit stiff [...]

Yikes! & Off She Goes

Ella has gotten into a plane and flown away. Here are a couple of highlights from her last day here — we went out on the town (Waikiki, of course). She found, being short, it was difficult to get people’s attention, but fairly easy to climb up on the coffee [...]