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Dude and Dude: Ave Gravitas

“Uuhnngh … uuhnngh … uUungghh …” “Dude! Either turn off the video or close the do … what are you doin’ now?!?” “Buildin’ (oooOOF!) an altar, dude.” “A what?” “An altar, dude! Like I said the first time.” “OK, dude. To what?” “To gravity, dude. And ’cause it’s to gravity, [...]

Dude and Dude: Non Dudi Carborundum

“Man, dude, I ain’t laughed so hard in weeks. This picture of a loser in a rowboat thumbin’ his nose at the waves. ‘Maybe his psychiatrist was right‘. Ha! Gnarly, as you’d say, dude. Um, dude? Dude?” “Mmphf.” “What the hell are you doin’, dude?” “Will you be careful what [...]

Dude and Dude: Communication is Crucial

“Yep, dude, it sure is.” “What is, dude?” “Communication.” “What?” “Communication!” “You don’t have to yell, dude. Especially about that. It’s so, like, last century.” “Last century?” “Yeah, dude. Nobody does this commune stuff anymore, not unless they hafta.” “Dude …” “We had about twenty of us in an apartment [...]