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Safer Than One Overhead

Early Wednesday morning … He: “Ready?” She: “Think so.” He: “Got your vendor pass?” She: “Check.” He: “Tables and chairs?” She: “Check.” He: “Avon stuff?” She: “Check.” He: “Balanced?” She: “Checkbook. You thought I wasn’t listening, weren’t you?” He: “Camera?” She: “And just when do you think I’m going to [...]

Dude and Dude: Where There’s Smoke …

“Dude?” “Yeah?” “Did you hear that announcement?” “Which one? There’s lots.” “The one that says that this is a non-smoking airport.” “Makes me happy.” “Oh?” “Yeah. No smoke means I can see where I’m goin’.” “But …” “But what?” “But I’m hungry, dude!” “So?” “How can anyplace cook me a [...]