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My Foolish Heart

Is there anything more, heady, wonderful, joyous, and down-right terrifying than falling in love?  That first exhilarating rush of emotion comes with more highs and lows than the most twisted roller-coaster ride ever devised by man.  Susan May Warren has managed to capture that euphoria and angst and weave it [...]

A Picturesque Camping Trip

Once again we tripped off to Vancouver, B.C. with a group of students from UW’s Friday Harbor Labs.  This time it was the ZooBot class (a Zoological and Botanical survey of coastal sea life). This is Megan. Megan teaches the Zoo part of ZooBots.  I took this shot right after [...]

Friday Harbor Labs, UW

Come see where Amoeba works.  Dave Hays, a UW film making class student, interviewed Hillary, one of the TAs who works with Charley (Amoeba) and Megan in their “ZooBot” class which is an entire quarter (16 credits: Marine Zoology 5 credits; Marine Botany 5 credits; and a Research Apprenticeship in [...]