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Lord Flufferson

He who was was formerly known as King of the Coffee Table has become Ruler of The Computer Desk (which resides in my kitchen). Yesterday he was quite disgruntled that his sister’s face appeared before him so often. He requested equal billing. Flufferson also wanted me to tell you that [...]


Christmas, my cat, tried to kill me this morning. I was in my bed sleeping oh-so- peacefully when — Pft! — My medical equipment shut off. Fortunately, when I stopped breathing my brain went on alert and insisted I wake now, so I woke. My first inclination was to grab [...]

Money $pa

I spent about 3 hours this evening at a beauty spa. I was hor d’ouvered, champaigned, pedicured, manicured, massaged, aroma therapied and cosmetically enhanced — and it didn’t cost a dime. Open house at the beauty spa: held so the “have nots” can get a glimpse into the world of [...]

Lost in Translation

I teach second language learners. We are having half days this week. School in the morning, and report cards and parent-teacher conferences in the afternoon. The combination of freedom and stress is a bit distracting to the students. This can lead to unusual language confusions. The whole school assembles on [...]