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Imperical Evidence

Transcript of a conversation I had with a child this morning whose brother, Jaime, was in my class two years ago: Me: Isreal, where’s your homework? Isreal: At home. Me: Why? Isreal [with a shrug and a grin]: Because it’s homework? Me [nodding]: I see the problem. Let’s call it [...]

Post 201

I started my very first blog on Thursday, June 1. My first two comments came from my long-time friend, Tina, and Doug the Dawg. Now I visit Doug’s site daily. Back then I was too intimidated to even thank him for his comment. I mean, I popped over to do [...]

7 Songs

I ordered my niece, Brooke, to tag me, and being an obedient child, she did. 7 of My Fav Songs, and why I like them: #1 The Old Rugged Cross I love this song not just for the memories of standing next to Gram in church and singing, but because [...]