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An Exciting Day

Today my reading students were reading silently and I was engaged in a one-on-one reading conference with a young lady, when an audible, yet unintelligable ripple went through my classroom. I turned my head and saw 19 students staring up. I looked up. Black smoke billowed into our room from [...]

A Super Hero Is Born

Writing class: today’s topic: Create Your Own Super Hero. The kids were brainstorming. One young lady says, “But where did you get your magic powers, George?” She, apparently took seriously my suggestion that the magic be explained. “You can’t just suddenly have a magic power from nowhere.” “Sure I can, [...]

Co-Worker Abuse

I am my father’s daughter. If there is someway to tease somebody I will find it. So, last week my co-worker stepped into my room and said, “My I borrow a garbage bag?” I raised my eyebrows, tilted my head and responded, “Borrow it? Were you planning on returning it [...]