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This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 at 10:34 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
June 27th, 2006 at 1:38 pm
Thank you for your prayer,
heres some of mine
A Lost Man
garbled traffic, roaring, yelling
never softly,
even louder
every place
and every placeless place;
[ gods Hope
the sound of a soft birds hum-
a man sitting to listen
to not demand, to not expect,
and receiving
the hum of promise,
reaching for the future
the prayer, for
the man,
of the world-
delivered by a soft birds
] unity ]
driving, drinking, driving, willing
and profitizing
even bigger
maybe not better
but in rational behavior
June 27th, 2006 at 6:24 pm
That sounds really neat. I’ll check that out. Thanks for the info. ๐
June 27th, 2006 at 6:26 pm
by the way: I love your new profile picture. That is really nice. ๐
June 27th, 2006 at 7:41 pm
Donna, it is funny that you should admire my profile pic — I found it at Glitter Graphics — and I got the link to them from your blog!
June 29th, 2006 at 8:23 pm
LOL! Too funny! ๐
June 30th, 2006 at 4:44 am
I read your comments on another blog and wanted to ask you some questions. You can delete this comment if you don’t approve of it being here.
I find it interesting that you would degrade others for claiming to live free from sin yet your user name is “obedientone”.
Do you not realize that committing sin is disobedience?
Can you not believe that there are people who “go and sin no more” and “who need NO repentance”?
When the Bible promises that NO temptation will be too hard (I Cor. 10:13) and that we can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13) what do you think that really means?
Do you think it means we can do everything except live holy?
Do you think that Jesus came and died that awful death just so the world would continue to sin just like they always had?
If so, his sacrifice was no better than the sacrifice of bulls and goats.
You might think this is a preposterous idea but Jesus didn’t give his life just so we could be forgiven every day for the rest of our lives.
No, Jesus will save you FROM sin. But only if you let him.
June 30th, 2006 at 7:00 am
Anonymous —
Please note that I posted on your blog with my name and profile in full view. Why did you post anonymously? Are you ashamed of your beliefs in the Lord?
Your statement in your blog was that you and the other members of your congregation were sin free and had no committed any sins in years. I still stand convinced that as living people on earth that is a physical impossibility.
God did say to “Go and sin no more.” However, if we were capable of refraining from all sin, it would not have been necessary for Jesus to die for us in the first place. I did not denegrate anyone for claiming to be free of sin. I just asked them how they managed to stay so holy and still be among the living.
I make mistakes. I say inappropriate things. I hurt people’s feelings. I make foolish, thoughtless decisions. I let people down. I am certain I disappoint God on a daily basis — like I must have disappointed Him when I didn’t make myself clear on your blog. Yes, I call myself Obedientone — but it is to remind myself what I strive for. In no way do I consider myself holy and above sin. I have been adopted into the family of God through Jesus, but I am not divine.
I do consider myself saved. I consider myself washed in the blood of Jesus, God’s Son and Sacrifical Lamb, and my Savior. I am sanctified by and through Christ Jesus ONLY. I do not and will never claim salvation by my own works or deeds, and I have Biblical cause to fear for the soul of anyone who does.
Charlene <-- a disciple of Christ, but NOT his equal.