Patience — a word study
Welcome to my word study. All scriptures posted will be from the NIV unless otherwise noted.
Heavenly Father,
Before I begin open my mind, Lord, to your teaching. Guide my thoughts. Send the Holy Spirit to study with me and inspire my writing so that those who come here may learn a measure of your truth. Help me, Father, to put what I learn here to use in my life, so that what I teach — what I profess to believe – is what I live. I pray this in the name of Jesus, your living son, crucified, risen and coming again.
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Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Psalm 37:7
This is the “don’t worry, be happy†Psalm. We are not to worry about the plotting and scheming of others, God is in control and we need to trust him, be patient and wait for him to act.
This verse brings to mind one of my favorite scriptures:
For I know the plans I have for you,†declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.â€
Jeremiah 29:11
God doesn’t want us to worry. He wants us to be happy and trust him. His plan is to prosper us, bring us hope and secure our future. “Great,†we say. “Now let us see the plans for this future so we can approve them.â€
Do you know why I think God rarely lets anyone one of us see his full plan for our lives? A pastor will probably tell you it is because we have a limited ability to understand God’s ways. While that is absolutely true, I believe the real reason God doesn’t share his plans with us is to keep us from running off willy-nilly yelling, “Not me! Not me!â€
Isaiah 55:8-9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,†declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Moses wasn’t willing to sign up for talking to Pharaoh. Do you think he would have been “gung-ho, gotta go†for 40 years in the dessert? Somehow I’m doubting it.
I mean, think about the conversation:
“Moses, God here. Listen, I see you’ve made a pretty nice life for yourself down there, but I want you to chuck it all, go into Egypt and argue with Pharaoh until I get him to agree to free the Jews. Then, once the Jews are free, I want you to lead them into the dessert. On the way you’re going to have to part a sea and single-handedly destroy Pharaoh’s army.
“Now, once you get out into the dessert with the Jews, I’m going to want you to wonder around in circles for about 40 years. Oh yeah, most of the time you’re out there you’re going to have to eat the same food every single day. And during all that wandering around the Jews — slaves you freed from certain death at Pharaoh’s hands — are going hate you, curse you, break your heart, rebel against you – then insist you defend them when I get ticked off and decide to fry them.
“One more important little thing, Moses. At your urging I am going to forgive the Jewish slaves heinous sins against my holiness; but the mistake you’re going to make will ban you from ever entering the Promised Land at all. So what do you say? You up for that?â€
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m thinking that knowing God’s plan would have made Moses a whole lot more reluctant than he already was.
It is better that Moses didn’t know all the details. Without known pitfalls to hinder him, Moses went forward on faith – shaky faith, but faith just the same. And his reward was a close, personal relationship with God.
It is better for us just to trust and obey as well. That way we each get to experience the joy of standing on our own Mount Sinai in the presence of the Lord, and we can enjoy the worship experience without worrying about golden idols and other obstacles yet to come.
Moses made some mistakes, but he lived his life with integrity and Godly commitment. He did not make it into the Promised Land, but he did make it into heaven. Had Moses known God’s whole plan, at best he would have insisted on renegotiating some of the rougher patches; at worst he would have run away screaming, and in doing so he might have cost himself — himself.
We are God’s children. He strives to protect us from all things –- even ourselves. So, while you’re wondering around in your own personal 40 year desert, be patient – your turn on Mount Sanai is coming – and a suite has been reserved for you in heaven.
Heavenly Father,
Hold us in your righteous right hand. Help us live our lives in obedience to you. When we are frightened, Lord, and our commitment falters, strengthen our faith. Help us live lives of integrity, so that like Moses we can lead in accordance to your will. In Jesus’ name we pray,
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 20th, 2006 at 4:59 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
July 20th, 2006 at 8:59 am
Have you just volunteered to take Moses’ place, Charlene?
will the Israelies listen any more now than they did then?
July 20th, 2006 at 9:12 am
Q — I have taken Moses’ place in my modern version of freeing the slaves — its called youth ministry. And I’m very much afraid the Israelites still struggle with obedience issues.
I am giving the message at our August 2nd service, this is my practice …
July 20th, 2006 at 12:14 pm
You make a good point. Knowing the future doesn’t make the future easier, just the reverse.
I like the way you explained this concept.
July 21st, 2006 at 8:53 am
Indeed Youth Ministry
alas – If only they new in their youth what they perceive as ‘freedoms’ are really bondage and slavery of the ‘soul’
But as with Moses discovered, and Christ showed:
(1) Some words will fall on stones
(2) Some will fall on soil and sprout, but not take root,
and yet others …
(3) Some will take hold and increase tenfold
Always tempting to harvest the best crop, but we must also water the weaker one’s see if they take root, or rather take heart …