Archive for July, 2006
Prayer Closet
For about 10 months out of time I had the wonderful privilege of living in the custodian’s apartment inside First United Methodist Church. I loved living there. My first full night in the apartment was a Saturday.
Matthew 6:5-6
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Sunday morning as I came down the inside stairs to church one of the older ladies stopped me. She whispered, “Weren’t you scared in this great big old building by yourself?†I whispered back, “Are you kidding? Do you know who my roommate is?â€
The peace and serenity of living in God’s house is an indescribable blessing. Yes, he is always with us 24/7, but for some reason in the church his presence is more concentrated – possibly because the church is primarily about worship and (hopefully) has fewer worldly contaminations.
Now I live in a regular home, but I still have one place (outside my heart) that bears the sacred aura of God. I have a prayer table. This place is where I go for my daily devotion time. It is a place only for prayer. I do not pay bills there. I do not eat there. I pray and do my Bible study there, only.
Create a place in your home where you go to be alone with God. Worship in that place daily, and soon you will have your own private sanctuary that resonates with the presence of God.
Dr. John’s Fortress
Today I was featured in
His church is cyberspace and his flock is very eclectic. The diversity of the people who flock to Dr. John says much about the man. Like Jesus, he accepts all comers.
Don’t take my word for it. Stop by Dr. John’s Fortress and look around. The place is short on sermons and long on relationships. I am sure when God looks at Dr. John he must think:
“Well done, good and faithful servant …”
Back Your Convictions
I’ve been out blog surfing Christian blogs these last couple of days checking out what other folks are doing witness-wise and I have noticed something about “anonymous” posts — they generally say things nobody would want to tag with their own name. Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is that professed non-Christians and other dissenters — people expressing an honest opposing opinion — leave their blogger identities behind. What then does this say about the faith and integrity of the anonymous Christian bloggers?
The majority of the “anonymous” posts I’ve noticed in Christian blogs are generally, though not always, verbal assaults. I experienced an anonymous post recently in my blog; somebody [respectfully] disagreed with my theology. Okay, disagree. My God is big enough to handle your skepticism — and with his help so am I. But, if you are going to disagree and you want me to believe you value your opinion, you’d best leave your name.
If one is not willing to sign his name to his professed convictions then, truly, how convicted is he?
Matthew 7:22-23
“Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me you evil doers.'”
If I have to sign into a blog anonymously because I am not a member of that blog’s register, I still leave my identity behind. I do not want to hear the Lord say, “I never knew you.” Mind you, I am not saying that every person who fails to leave her name behind is evil — but I do wonder about her intent.
If you have something of value to say, say it and own up to it. If you are not willing to own your words, do not say them. Jesus left us two commands: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22:37-39.
Anonymous posting, even if the message you leave behind is scripturally sound, is not loving. It is an act of cowardess.
Speak your mind, but back your convictions. If you leave your name you’re less apt to say something you will regret, and even if you’re proven wrong, you will still have your honor and integrity.
(scripture posted is from the NIV Bible)
My Personal Testamony
I was driving to work one morning minding my own worrisome business when I suddenly found myself stalled by road construction. I could not move. There were cars in front of me, cars behind me and cars to the right of me. To my left was a cement meridian, two empty lanes for west bound traffic, and a north-south side road that formed a T intersection.
Barreling down that road was an 18-wheeler.
Time stalled. My attention focused solely on that rig. It wasn’t going to stop. For a brief eternity my gaze locked with the truck driver’s. I could tell that we both knew I was going to die.
As he shot into the intersection my breath caught. I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on the steering wheel. I thought of my family; my students who weren’t going to have a teacher that day; my friends; and my God.
When was the last time I’d given God a thought? What part of my life held any eternal value? When I stood before him what could I possibly say to defend the life I’d lived?
Before despair could claim me I heard my soul cry out, “Father, I know I’m not ready, but I’m coming home. Please, please, forgive me.â€
Instantly my car filled up with so much love and so much peace and so much joy it overflowed. I was held fast in the serene embrace of God.
Slowly the intensity faded. Was I alive? I hadn’t heard a crash. I felt no pain.
This world filtered back to me one sense at a time. My hands were clutching the steering wheel. The radio was playing. I could feel sunshine on my face. I opened my eyes. There, outside my driver’s window was the grill of the semi, just a hair-span from my door. On the grill of the truck was a dead fly. I could see the veins in its iridescent wings.
I was alive. Alive in a way I had never been before. The joy and the peace of God still reside within me today, and the next time I find myself standing before the throne of God, I will still be unworthy, but I will remember the mercy the Lord has already showered upon this disobedient child whom he loves.
I joined First United Methodist Church, took up a youth ministry program and fulfilled the necessary steps to become a certified lay speaker. Contrary to my beliefs when I lived outside God’s Spirit-filled family, I am now blessed with more friends, more security and less stress than I’ve ever had before. I stand with confidence on the promises of God. You can, too.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, the link is in my profile.