Archive for October, 2006

I spoke in church today. Our pastor is doing a series on prayers (last week), presence (today) and tithe (next Sunday). I was asked to preface the “presence” sermon with a testamony about the giving of my time.

I have run a children’s ministry for the last 5 years (we have just started season 6). Not counting prep-time, this ministry takes 2.5 hours out of every Saturday.

I talked this morning about our twice yearly struggle to change the clocks — and the fact that it takes me several days to get all of mine changed. Then I talked about God’s time — and how much more time we have in every day when we live in accordance with his will. Giving 2.5 hours of every weekend to be Christ’s hands has actually expanded my weekend and I am able to get more done, not less.

God always returns with blessing and interest whatever we give in his name — even our time.

My Fave T-Shirt

The Old Rugged Cross

We Are The Body


World Communion Sunday