Sow Scripture, Not Doctrine
We had a guest pastor today. Her name is Candace and she is an awesome speaker. Her sermon today was on the parable of the seeds, and when I first looked at the bulletin I thought, “Oh, man, how many times have I heard this?” But it wasn’t the same old, same old. In fact, I was moved to grab my notebook and take notes. That hasn’t happened in awhile.
Candace talked about planting apple seeds and expecting to harvest strawberries. She also played a clip from, The Two Towers, prefacing it with: when faced with the news that the enemy was coming, Aragorn wanted to risk everything and ride out to meet the horde. King Theoden, choose instead to protect his people, and determined they would make their stand behind the walls of Helm’s Deep where they had successfully waited out previous sieges. However the siege did not go as expected, and when they had been pushed to their last defense and all seems lost, Theoden again asked Aragorn for council — and Aragorn urged him to ride into danger rather than away from it. Theoden complied and the tide of battle turned.
Candace then showed the clip of Frodo and Sam, when Frodo was ready to give up, and we listened to Sam’s entire pep-talk, ending on the “as long as there is still good in the world it’s worth fighting for” line.
Candace said that too many churches are hiding within the walls of their fortresses, and too few of them are going out to meet the enemy. She said we need to stop promoting church doctrine, and instead read, live and share God’s word. Her words, “No matter what you believe about how the Bible came to be (and contrary to popular belief, it did not fall, leather bound, from Heaven) the fact remains that it is a powerful tool for transforming lives.”
She said we need to sow the seed of God’s word wherever we are, and we need to sow it without actions more than our words. “You can’t just talk about planting and harvesting. Sowing is an action. You actually have to physically do it.”
If you want strawberries, you’d better plant strawberry seeds. If you want Christians, plant the word of God. She said that is the only way we will ever reach the people in the world who are spiritually hungry, but institutionally alienated.
There was nothing in Candace’s sermon I didn’t know. There was nothing in the sermon I don’t try to live. What blew me away was to hear a denominational pastor admit that the doctrine is getting in the way of the message. I have had so many arguments with church folk who place doctrine before all other considerations. Jesus’ command was to love God and our neighbor — he didn’t say a dang thing about denominational constitutions.
Here is my simple life philosophy — I learned it in Sunday School kindergarten and it’s served me just fine all these years. I try very hard not to treat anybody in a way I wouldn’t accept being treated — once upon a time known as, The Golden Rule, and these days pretty much relagated to the realm of fairy tales.
This entry was posted on Sunday, January 7th, 2007 at 2:09 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
January 8th, 2007 at 3:29 am
Candace sounds like an aweseom speaker. Wish I could have heard and been there for that one.
The Golden rule, wouldn’t it be fantastic if more people still lived by it?
With Love In Christ,
January 25th, 2007 at 11:03 pm
Thank you for posting this. I read it and it had an impact on me today too.
January 26th, 2007 at 11:33 am
Cindy — Candace is an awesome speaker.
Lorna — I am glad that Candace’s words were able to reach you through me. Blessings!
January 31st, 2007 at 10:09 am
oh- to hear more denominational pastors admit that doctrine is getting in the way of doing…
Candace sounds like one awesome speaker indeed.
March 11th, 2007 at 8:22 pm
iT seems it is time to post again, you have much to say, and a way with words. let’s go, friend.
it is also time to delete the anon SPAM comment
March 13th, 2007 at 5:56 pm
David, I work 4 jobs. I teach school full-time and hold down three part-time positions related to teaching. I also run a children’s ministry, and have for 6 years now. I post when I can. In the meantime, rest assured, I am serving God and I live my everyday life striving to be the heart and hands of Jesus.
April 4th, 2007 at 4:55 pm
(just kidding!)
June 6th, 2007 at 3:07 am
Found this on a “random,†time-wasting jag… and what a terrific blessing this turned out to be! I’ve read a few of the entries here, and they’re all enlightening and encouraging. Thank you for sharing!
We’ve all heard this before: There are no coincidences. God’s just working anonymously. 🙂
Take care and God bless.
June 6th, 2007 at 3:24 am
Jack — and David — my schedukle is winding down. School will soon end for the year. Hopefully will again be posting here regularly.
August 1st, 2007 at 5:51 am
“No matter what you believe about how the Bible came to be (and contrary to popular belief, it did not fall, leather bound, from Heaven) the fact remains that it is a powerful tool for transforming lives.”
Ah, but transform them into what? How one answers that will depend on what he thinks the Bible is. Of course she is right that regardless of what we think about it, the Bible will still be used by the Spirit.
Surely she is not a Methodist pastor, though? I mean, what are the Methodist doctrines that are apparently being preached so far and wide that they are getting in the way? “God loves you” and “grace is bigger than bad stuff”?