All Dressed Up For Easter
OC’s tootsies! [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
OC’s tootsies! [...]
Perhaps it was because, The Grownups Wanted Us Dead, that my cousin Rumble and I behaved the way we did. We were emulating our elders and rehearsing for the day we would be grownups ourselves. Rumble and I practiced the art of torture through the innovative use of many common, [...]
There is no end to some people’s stupidity. I was in Wal-Mart tonight listening to two girls who were searching for diet water. One of them was complaining because none of it came unflavored. Hello? [...]
Last night when I went to bed my kitchen was clean. My floor was swept. Both the throw rugs were freshly laundered and free of feline fur. One was in front of the sink. The other was in front of the stove. This morning when I wandered into my kitchen [...]
I cleaned my carpet and rearranged my furniture. Work. Work. Work. Scrub. Scrub. Scrub. It looks worse then it did before. Now that I’ve removed all the dirt from the carpet, the stains show up really well. I live in a dump. = + = I just used the exact [...]