Tellin’ It Like It Is
Jake, ADHD in blurred living color, paused long enough to write a haiku renku. I’m always moving. Trouble seems to play with me. I’m doing my best. [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Jake, ADHD in blurred living color, paused long enough to write a haiku renku. I’m always moving. Trouble seems to play with me. I’m doing my best. [...]
After I read OC’s blog this morning, I got to thinking of how low his cash flow is, and how long he has to conserve it until he finally gets paid, and I know good and well by now that the first luxury he cuts from his budget is food, [...]
Monday I walked into the teacher’s lounge and found all the ingredients for make it yourself Italian Sodas. Tuesday the teacher’s lounge was buried in pastries, cookies, cakes, and pies. Wednesday we were treated to a pancake breakfast. The Principal cooked. Thursday I walked into the teacher’s lounge and found [...]
You’ll never guess who called wanting to know when I’d be by to take her shopping. [...]
A burst of laughter caught my attention and I glanced up from my one-on-one writing conference with Jim. Across the room Jake was goofing off. I snapped his name and ordered him to take his pencil from his nostril before he hurt himself. He said, “Yes, Miss,” and complied. A [...]