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Dude and Dude: Birthday Suit

“Du-uuude!” “Sir?” “Well, excuuuse me, Mr. Fancy Threads. Am I permitted to breathe the same air as you? And what’s with the briefcase?” “It’s for the briefs, of course.” “You’re an underwear salesman?!? Since when …?” “The legal briefs. For the case.” “Dude, you got money you ain’t tellin’ me [...]

Dude and Dude: Out

“Hey dude!” “What?” “Says here that Quilly’s lookin’ for a date for a date night.” “Not gonna happen, dude.” “Not? Why not?” “Because palm trees don’t grow in the Pacific Northwest, dude. If she wanted a date, she shouldn’t ‘a left Hawaii.” “Very funny, dude. What about if I want [...]

Dude and Dude Fly United

“We do not!!” “Yeah? You haven’t flown coach lately, have you, dude? ‘Intimate’ doesn’t begin to describe it.” “Ew. How much for first class?” “More than your payperblaug can afford, dude. It’s a crowded world. You want to breathe, you gotta be enough of a mogul to pay for it. [...]