Dove in Motion
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
I am never too tired to stop and take a photo. OC found this fella traveling the sidewalk about 11 p.m. one evening and called me outside. “Bring your camera,” he said, and any protest I might have made about tromping down three flights of stairs when I’d much rather [...]
Robert from, Thoughts of a Father, is hosting, Show Me, his first photo project. Rather than running with a theme for a week, Robert has a new photo request every day. Today he wants to see something that relaxes me. When I am upset, stressed or feeling a bit too [...]
Robert from, Thoughts of a Father, is hosting, Show Me, his first photo project. Rather than running with a theme for a week, Robert has a new photo request every day. Today’s tickled me pink because just the other day I opened my MAILBOX and something other than mail popped [...]
First, a mini lesson in Hawaiian pronunciation: There is a break after every vowel. Every vowel. If there are several vowels together, each one is pronounced. Thus Kane is kah+nae. This post is about Ka*ne and Ka*na*lo*a, brothers who walked from one end of O*a*hu to the other, leaving streams [...]