For those who came here for details on my day at the beach: It was fun. ~ : ~ Honestly, I took pictures, but I took them with a special waterproof camera and you have to wait until they are developed to see them — and since I’ve not [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
For those who came here for details on my day at the beach: It was fun. ~ : ~ Honestly, I took pictures, but I took them with a special waterproof camera and you have to wait until they are developed to see them — and since I’ve not [...]
As a sad farewell to Project Blue, I offer you a photograph of the newest member of our family. Bromeliad. 10th entry Project Blue brought to you by Anna Melli tagged me: Two Names You Go By: 1.) Quill, Quilly, Quilldancer 2.) Charlene Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: [...]
I call her, Lady Blue. I do not know this pretty lady’s real name. What I do know is that every Sunday for the past several weeks she greets me in the church yard whenever I arrive. She always looks fresh and bright, dressed in this lovely blue. 8th entry [...]
This road leads to my home. No, I do not live in that glass and metal monstrosity uglying (Is that a word? If it’s not, it should be!) up our neighborhood. It is at least 18 stories high and sits in our wonderful wild valley like a city cousin wearing [...]
Mantis Do you suppose she is praying for her tasty, uhm, dearly departed mate? Oops! OC, the scientist, says that this is likely a male Mantis. He says he believes that the abdomen is too small for a female. So …. Do you suppose he’s looking for his mate for [...]