Why I Live in The San Juan Islands
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Muffed Target #6 Thom has taken over Gattina’s meme invention, Muffed Target Photo Meme. The idea is to share our photos that didn’t turn out. Come on, you know we all have them! You share yours and I’ll share mine! This one’s a doozy! I have no idea what got [...]
Ella and I were on our way to breakfast. We had dropped Amoeba off at work and were looking for a little local diner, not a tourist spot. We headed off the beach strip and up into the hills. The road was twisty and dense vegetation packed either side, but [...]
My garden is growing quite contrarily! My pepper plants stopped at 4 inches tall and that’s that. They aren’t getting enough heat in our 67 degree Summer. My broccoli flowered when it was only 2 inches tall! Everything else is doing great. As you know, I planted most of my [...]
Meet my great niece and nephew. Ashlie & Parker Yes, they’re great kids, they are also my nephew’s kids. At South Beach — the kids loved the driftwood. Overlooking South Beach. With Mount Baker in the background. ~*~ Tomorrow morning I am up early & off to VBS. When I [...]