Sandwich Anybody?
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Do you remember my post about that patch of ground I cleared out by the end of our driveway? You know, the one with the 4 foot tall weeds and the big green transformer box? Here — let me remind you: Above you see the tangle of weeds and thistle. [...]
We’re going back to Hawaii at the end of this month. for three years I lived there and never got a chance to try my hand at deep sea fishing. I was just looking at this Awesome Maui Charter Fishing Gallery and wishing I had a picture of that of [...]
But I do! Oh, I do! Please don’t tell Amoeba, but I have found a multitude of garden planters online that just might want to come and live with us. That high end planter pictured on the left is definitely making my heart pitter-pitter-patter. Isn’t it lovely? I have been [...]
I love fresh flowers. They are bright and cheery and make me happy. Amoeba knows the surest way to see my face light up is to bring me flowers — and he does every now and then.  Sometimes he brings me cut flowers. Sometimes he brings me a plant. Either [...]