The tide is out on a rainy day, and this battered palm, OC and I have the beach to ourselves. [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
The tide is out on a rainy day, and this battered palm, OC and I have the beach to ourselves. [...]
You know, some days I can’t help but feel … … as though I live in a travel brochure. [Sigh] But I suppose somebody has to do it. [...]
OC and I were invited to a pool party. Of course we took Ella along even though her name wasn’t on the invitation. In true Ella fashion, she became the party. Within minutes the hostess and all the other guests were besotted with her. Though Ella issued no complaints, out [...]
Ella spent all day Sunday tucked into the new bed. OC and I went out to Waianae to finish packing and gathering our “stuff” and Ella said she was just too tired to come along. She stayed home and read several magazines, cruised the internet and slept. I guess the [...]