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Ryan, Ella, & Me at WordCamp

Ryan, Ella, and me — and many others — at WordCamp. “Making It Personal.”  Watch: viewer.45.swf?vid=811306 more about “viewer.42.swf (application/x-shockwav…“, posted with vodpod One of my favorite things about this session was that Ryan and I had differing views and ideas. I was much more liberal. He was much more [...]

Ella & I Are Conventional — Err, Conventioning!

I can’t seem to embed the dang thing on my site, but if you want to see the PodCasts of PodCamp and WordCamp Hawaii 2008, visit Ustream. Ella, Ryan and I will be speaking in the theater at 3:45 today. Our session is titled, “Making Personal Connections.” Ella and I [...]