And Still It Rains
Day four and it’s still coming down. I told OC to start collecting gopher wood. “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch” Genesis 6:14 [...]
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Day four and it’s still coming down. I told OC to start collecting gopher wood. “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch” Genesis 6:14 [...]
Or so OC told me when I sat up in bed at 3:00 a.m. I didn’t really grasp the significance of those two words until I shut the bathroom door behind me and flipped the light switch. Oh! (Well, the switch worked, just not on the light!) When next I [...]
This morning a NY Times article reports that many people are tired of 9/11 tributes. Enough has become too much. They want us all to just forget and move on. Yeah. Tell that to the people in the twin towers; the people in the pentagon; and those on flight 93. [...]
Well, 36 hours net free, and I have already read three books. The first one was too easy — a children’s novel, You’re a Brave Man, Julius Zimmerman, by Claudia Mills. I like to check out books before I add them to my classroom library. This one has a good story. [...]
This is how much I will be missed. We had a big Sidewalk “Splash” event today. One kid showed up. Fifty dollars worth of food. A couple dozen water guns. One huge tub. The staff — and the kid — had a blast. At one point they all ganged up on [...]