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55 Flash Fiction Friday

Flash 55 is hosted by G-Man (Mr. Knowitall). Click the icon below or the link for more information. All you have to do to join in is write a story in exactly 55 words then trip over to G-Man’s blog and let him know you’ve posted your 55.


Bea’s parents fed her oatmeal every morning for over a week.
She hated it.

Since her parents were always stoned they never noticed
Bea hiding her breakfast in their planters,
until her daddy found it and let out a yell.

“What?” Mama asked.

Daddy answered, “Bea’s porriage in the pot nine days old!”


Hi! Thanks for commenting. I am out of town and won’t be back until Sunday afternoon, but if you leave a comment and a link I promise I’ll visit you then!

If you liked this pun, please come back on Punny Monday and join us for the weekly photo contest. I always promise a good time!


    1. Shakira — I know you are a nice person with no intent to offfend, but visiting someone else;s post wholly to promote yourself is SPAM.

  1. Quilly…I guess someone had to carry on the fine tradition of Groaners.
    You have accepted the torch well My Dear.
    Excellent 55.
    You Rock…
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End…Galen

  2. Dr. John would’ve loved that one! [As did I].

    In our house it was Cream of Wheat. One day Mom ran out and cooked oatmeal. I love Mom but her oatmeal was like wallpaper paste and she LIKED it that way. One day she ran out of Cream of Wheat and was trying to convince my 5 year old brother to eat oatmeal. He took one look at it and said, “Mom, I can’t. It looks like Cream of Wheat with warts!”

    I never touched it again…unless it was in cookies. 🙂
    .-= hope´s last blog ..Friday 55 =-.

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