Easter’s Random Dozen

1. How do you feel about the marshmallow Easter Peeps?
How do I feel about jet puffed food coloring that chews like cardboard? Guess!
2. Chickens are notoriously nervous creatures. When you are nervous, what is the best way to calm down?
Homemade chicken soup — which explains why chickens are nervous.
3. People say, “April showers bring May flowers.” Do you enjoy Spring rains?
I love Spring rains. It is the Spring mud that I am not so fond of.
4. When I was randomly flipping through TV channels this week, I saw a show in which tattoo parlor employees received tattoos of a co-worker’s face on their bodies. I can’t imagine having a portrait of a colleague tattooed on me. But if someone forced you to receive a portrait tattoo (face only) of anyone, who would it be? Why?
Who and where might be a better question, but being a prudent person, I know better than to answer this.
5. Would you rather have a tattoo (any kind) or a nose ring?
Nose ring — I could remove it and it would leave very little trace behind of ever having been. A tattoo is for life.
6. Do you have any special plans for Easter?
Sunrise service, church breakfast, Easter Service. Home. Rest & contemplate.
7. Cadbury Eggs or Reese Eggs?
Yes, please.
8. What was the last thing/person you took a picture of?
Click here to see for yourself!
9. What book are you reading now, or what was the last one?
Now: Kaleidoscope, by Patsy Clairmont
Previously — book review
10. What do you think is the most difficult task when it comes to Spring cleaning?
Motivating myself to do it.
11. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
None. Amoeba made me abandon most of them in Hawaii, and my most cherished pair finally abandoned me. sigh
12. Which color makes you happiest?
Yep, I am right there with you on #10!
I should have put nose ring for the same reason!
And #2 made me laugh!
(No, I didn’t read this list backwards!)
Linda — I often read magazines backwards — why not itemized blog posts?
I like peeps.
Doug — dogs are known for their culinary discretion. Apparently Dawgs aren’t, either.
Number 2 is a great answer!
I used to love peeps and now they make me sick to see them.
Susan — thankfully, they only make me sick when I eat them.
Yep right there with you on the motivation part. Spring Break this week, so not much cleaning going on here.
Thena – -the nice thing about just having moved in is that the house is still clean!
Nr. 10 is so funny. Wish I thought of that. So true. 🙂
And you´re so right about the tatoo, but I just hate nose rings more!
Betty — I knew a young lady who, while arguing with her dad over the fait accompli, sneezed and shot her stud out of her nose and across the room, where it bounced off her bother’s forehead. Too funny.
I like Green as well haha. I don’t like peeps (or anything marshmellow… and not a huge chocolate fan either although there are a few kinds I will eat. Mainly I love the Lindt chocolates which I have sometimes at Christmas)
I love Peeps! More than chocolate which really isn’t hard since chocolate is not really a favorite. Vanilla is very good.
Answer no.2 was my most favorite part of this part. But I also loved all other witty answers. I’m so with you on no.10 and 12
Great answers to 1, 2, and 5. I would have said neither to 5, but yours is a better answer. And #10 — me too!
i don’t know what #1 are and don’t think i want to
i don’t mind a few showers. however, i would like to see some sunshine every now and then between them but it’s not happening 🙁
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