Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#252 Storm Coaster

Sky Watch

When the skies come down to watch us!

Storm Coaster

Seagull and storm clouds, Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, B.C.

We spent three days camping with these clouds, but even in the rain this little part of God’s creation is stunningly beautiful.  The world was monochrome.  I shot this picture in full living color.  The trees are not green because the sun was soon to set and the clouds and rain had washed the landscape of all color.

Photographer: Charlene L. Amsden
Go and check out more Skywatch images at the Skywatch Site!

About The Author


10 Responses to “#252 Storm Coaster”

  1. Linnea says:

    This one is a special Skywatch indeed! I love it!

  2. Norm says:

    I hope you’re on the coast and that is fog seen here.

    The news reports from the interior / Okanogan are frightful.

    Nice B&W capture!

  3. Gattina says:

    Were these pictures taken by you ?? If yes, I didn’t know that you are so talented !

  4. quilly says:

    J Bar — thanks!

    Linnea — at the risk of sounding immodest, so do I!

    Norm — I was on the west shore of Vancouver Island near the San Juan River at Port Renfrew, B.C. Those are actually storm clouds you see. It rained on us for three days and two nights – -then we bolted for the ferry and Friday Harbor, where we had four walls and a roof to keep us warm and dry!

    Norm — I took this photo in full color. It is the world that was B&W!

    Gattina — yes, every photo on this blog was taken by me.

  5. babooshka says:

    Exceptional. Always far more dramatic to see a monochrome skywatch.

  6. quilly says:

    Babooshka — especially one filmed in color! All that monochrome, right down to the dark green pine trees appearing black, were courtesy of a three day rainstorm.

  7. Nicole says:

    This is awesome, quilly!
    This would make a great poster, wow!

    You should start selling your photography!

  8. quilly says:

    Thank you, Nicole — how? Where?

  9. Lew says:

    Fantastic capture! And you can sell images online. Google searches will give you a bunch of sites to sort through. I would stat with a few of the bloggers who also sell. Babooshka and David McMahon have links to Red Bubble where they offer their work. I am not planning to sell my pictures, but I found some interesting stuff on artcareer.net.