Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#100 — Believe It Or Not: Daisy

Believe It Or Not: Daisy, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


6 Responses to “#100 — Believe It Or Not: Daisy”

  1. polona says:

    well, that’s certainly the weirdest looking daisy i ever saw. it’s pretty, though:)

  2. polona says:

    oh, and congrats on the 100th photo!

  3. quilly says:

    Polona — OC says that if you knew how big and varied the Daisy family is, you would realize there are many more even stranger looking specimens.

  4. quilly says:

    Thanks for the congratulations. I am kind of pleased with me, too! Are my photos showing any improvement?

  5. polona says:

    well, i think you pay more atention to the composition and appropriate lighting, and some of your photos are real gems.
    i’m still a beginner myself, though, so…

  6. Quilly says:

    Well, composition and lighting are, so far, the only things I have concentrated on!