Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#126 — Syrphid

Syrphid, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


7 Responses to “#126 — Syrphid”

  1. polona says:

    what an interesting pattern it has on its rear end!

  2. quilly says:

    It is a fly that tries to look like a bee to scare preditors away. Since I am allergic to bees, it almost worked on me, but OC is on to it’s tricks!

    And I couldn’t blieve how busily it kept workig and how close it let me get — though I was using the 55mm lens and am not quite as close as I seem.

  3. Lew says:

    Again your closeups are awesome! I saw your post about the ohotography class – it should be fun.

  4. Quilly says:

    Lew — Thank you, and the photography class is one night a week and so far I am amazed at all I learned!

  5. Keahi Pelayo says:

    It is soooo good that it almost looks fake! Great job.

  6. polona says:

    yes, i know these are flies, quilly :o) you may remember i posted a couple on my blogs, too, but ours don’t have such striking patterns.

  7. melli says:

    WOW! Just WOW!