Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#185 — Forgotten

forgotten, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


5 Responses to “#185 — Forgotten”

  1. Lew says:

    Very nice shot! I love the reflection.

  2. Quilly says:

    This pic started out as a test of my new telephoto lens. You won’t believe how far away that beach ball really was. When I saw how the photo came out it almost took my breath away. I love my new lenses!

  3. polona says:

    razor-sharp and well composed. love the reflection, too. in fact, i love everything about this shot

  4. Mar says:

    Great shot and title! I love your new lenses too 🙂

  5. Quilly says:

    Polona — from you I consider that high praise!

    Mar — thank you. I am glad you are enjoying my photography.