Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#149 — Daisy Do

Daisy Do, originally uploaded by quilldancer.

About The Author


4 Responses to “#149 — Daisy Do”

  1. Mar says:

    This is the only pink I like. Fabulous!

  2. Quilly says:

    Mar — at first I was sad when she didn’t bloom a glorious red like her sister. She was an insipid, pale pink; but within a few hours she was this glorious, blazing pink and I fell in love.

  3. polona says:

    a gerbera?
    yes, she looks fabulous in her pink dress 🙂
    love the framing, too

  4. Lew says:

    What a beautiful color! The “Then and Now” views are almost the same. I was standing about 10 feet closer to the street pointing a little to the right. The lamppost is just off the top picture. And the brown house in the bottom picture is off the left to the top picture. Some other changes over the 26 years: shed added, fence replaced, and townhouse up the hill is a different color. One of the trees near the fence is gone now.