Quilly Unshuttered

Life Through My Lens

#235 — Hummingbird Flight

Hummingbird Flight 2009.

I wanted so badly to get photographs of hummingbirds, but didn’t think my talent was up to capturing any descent shots — luckily my camera was! Here is a hummingbird swooping in for a drink.

About The Author


3 Responses to “#235 — Hummingbird Flight”

  1. Nicole says:

    Ohhhhh……I can only repeat myself today – over and over.

  2. Barbara H. says:

    Wow, that’s amazing to capture one in mid-flight like that!

  3. Quilly says:

    Nicole — luck, a high ISO setting and fast shutter speed!

    Barbara — I know. I was hoping, but no one was more surprised when it worked than me!